
Well 2This property is blessed with a recently drilled well with sufficient, tested yield for a main house and a second dwelling unit.  In addition to the well yield certification there is a hydrogeology report that discusses the geology and aquifer. It’s technical and has some numbers, but a careful reading will provide a fascinating glimpse into the water resource available to this property. A quick summary would be that there is a strong aquifer that will not be significantly affected by the residential water use proposed. A second interesting observation from the report is that the static water level didn’t change very much over a ten year period.  In other words, the drought conditions didn’t have a significant impact on water availability.

A small reservoir for recreational is the primary surface water feature of the property. Neighbors report that it is very popular with birds.  If you click on the pond picture to get a bigger version, you can just see that there is a canoe hiding in the bushes. It provides a sense of scale.

pondHydro Geology Report (Groundwater Availability)

Well Test and Permit Documents

This is a Zone 4 water scarce area, so careful conservation measures will be important to any user, but the Groundwater Availability study is reassuring as to the quality of the aquifer.

