Vineyard potential

The attached proposed site plan shows at least 11 acres of potentially plantable acres. The site is sloped and Sonoma County has strong grading and vineyard regulations. It’s within those guidelines that the plantable acreage was identified. There are many resources to help assess vineyard potential and it is wise to seek expert advice to help guide your thinking on vineyard potential. In addition to slope, there are water issues to be concerned with.

This portion of the county is a water scarce area, so new water uses in this area may require a hydro-geology report. This will examine whether sufficient water exists in the immediate and surrounding area to support a vineyard without harming neighbors’ water. There has already been one hydrogeology report for the residential use of the site. The same types of calculations would be done based on water usage for vineyards. On the east and west the property is bordered by significant vineyards, so the climatological conditions are excellent for grapes.

Proposed plantable acreage

Neighboring Spring Mountain District Appellation (Subject property is shaded in dark gray and outlined with a blue circle)