
Recent conversations with the Sonoma County PRMD indicate that septic exploration and design work done in the past is still valid. Here are some of the specifications:

  1. Based on the Oct/Nov 2005 pre perc test the system can be designed for 480 gallons/day.  Using low flow fixtures this should equate to 4 bedrooms at 120 gallons / bedroom.

2. A wet weather determination is not required for this site.

3. A pressure distribution system is required with the following agreed upon design conditions:

  • an acceptable soil depth of 60”
  • an acceptable trench depth of 36” with 18” being below the pipe, side wall of 3.0sf/lf
  • soil application rate of 0.714 gal/sf/day for a pressure distribution system.

The Leach lines link below shows the layout of the leach lines on the original design. The leach field is in the north east portion of the property.

Leach lines

Pressure Distribution System explanation